Anti-inflamatórios não-esteroidais

About Course

Aula gravada. Gratuito.

Nível Básico.

Nesta aula, serão apresentados os seguintes assuntos:

1. Cascata do ácido araquidônico;

2. Anti-inflamatórios Não Esteroidais (AINEs) seletivos e não-seletivos.

Prof. Dr. Walber Toma.

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the fundamentals of healthy dieting (calories, protein, carbs, fat, vitamins & minerals)
  • Create a diet that is perfect for your needs and lifestyle
  • Learn when, what and how much you should eat for optimal body composition
  • Build more muscle by optimizing your meal plan
  • Lose fat faster by optimizing your meal plan
  • Improve immunity and energy levels with the right vitamins and minerals

Course Content

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